I spent time studying in Colossians today.
I am deeply thankful that every sin, each iniquity, every lie, every ounce of self pride, my anger, my wrongdoing... all of it has been washed away by the blood of Christ Jesus. It wasn’t conquered by the empty, hollow deceit of failing philosophies of the world. All of my fallenness is redeemed by none other than the finished work of God in the person of Jesus. Because I have put off the former things that once consumed me, I can put on Christ’s righteousness given to me through faith. When the Lord looks at the perfect work of Christ, I am hidden within him. “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:3-4 I also adore this prayer from The Valley of Vision: "THIS IS THE FOUNDATION OF MY HOPE, THE REFUGE OF MY SAFETY, THE NEW AND LIVING WAY TO THEE, THE MEANS OF CONVICTION OF SIN, BROKENNESS OF HEART, AND SELF-DESPAIR, WHICH WILL ENDEAR TO ME THE GOSPEL. HAPPY ARE THEY WHO ARE CHRIST’S, IN HIM AT PEACE WITH THEE, JUSTIFIED FROM ALL THINGS, DELIVERED FROM COMING WRATH, MADE HEIRS OF FUTURE GLORY." Your world view changes completely when you meet Jesus. It’s no longer a worldview of God being at your call like some genie in a lamp. To treat him as such is wrong and to teach that this is who he is would be heresy. The entirety of your life begins to be transformed and used to serve God and be a witness to others about His goodness. You begin live a life showing the light of Christ to everyone around you. We won’t get this perfect all the time, but we know this… God’s grace will always be there to be given to us should we fail. Here are some questions to consider: How could focusing on the future glory of Christ help you keep your mind on Him today? What kind of confidence does it bring you to know you've been forgiven and will have an inheritance in the kingdom of God? What does it mean to you that you will appear with Christ when He returns? How does that truth offer hope? |
AuthorJared Craft Archives
August 2023